Online Document workshop in SW Ontario

Subject: Online Document workshop in SW Ontario
From: Catherine McNair <cmcnair -at- SPICER -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 14:27:00 -0400

The Southwestern chapter of the STC (Society for Technical Communcation) is
sponsoring a two-day workshop entitled Going Online. Conducted by Ann
Rockley, a 15-year veteran of online documentation, this workshop goes
beyond the basics of designing online documentation and
looks at issues of design, management, and tools.

Among the issues discussed will be the following:
* HTML vs. Acrobat
* Determining if multimedia is appropriate
* Writing single-source (paper and online) materials
* Selecting software tools
* Effective use of graphics and multimedia
* Converting existing documents
* Distribution (CD-ROM, Internet, intranet)

The workshop will be held October 25-26, 1996, at the University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. The fees are as follows: STC members, $190;
non-members, $240; and students, $95.

For more information or to obtain a registration form, contact: Karen Piech,
Workshop Co-ordinator, klpiech -at- jeeves -dot- uwaterloo -dot- ca, (519) 888-4567, ext. 5072.

Catherine McNair
<cmcnair -at- spicer -dot- com>
Technical Writer, Spicer Corporation
President, STC Southwestern Ontario
Two-cat owner, TV watcher, media junkie, chocolate lover, aerobics addict,
and 102.1 The Edge listener.

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