Use of Periods in Phone Numbers?

Subject: Use of Periods in Phone Numbers?
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 12:17:34 -0600

Hello, listies:

I've gotten involved in a disagreement about the style in which phone
numbers in a newsletter are to be written. The senior editor has
instructed that all phone numbers are to be written "111.111.1111". I
would prefer to see the more conventional style, "111-111-1111".

My reasoning is that when you see a number with hyphens, you are
more likely to think "phone number," whereas when you see one with
periods, you could think "email address," "European number," or
something else. It also seems rather trendy, something you'd see on a
letterhead, but not in text--in other words, a design element.

Any thoughts on this? We are publishing the newsletter with the period
format, but I am just not comfortable with it.

TIA, Nancy Kaminski
Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services

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