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Subject:User Interface '96: Limited Notes Available From:"Jared M. Spool" <jspool -at- UIE -dot- COM> Date:Thu, 26 Sep 1996 13:09:41 -0500
We will have a limited number of notes available for sale from the
User Interface '96 conference.
We are only doing a single printing and will be selling the surplus
on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The notes and their contents are:
Interface Agents (Dr. Pattie Maes, MIT Media Lab)
44 pp. Presentation slides (mostly text), 1 article
("Intelligent Software"), reading list for software agents
Web Design for Current and Future User Needs (Jakob Nielsen, Sun
136 pp. Presentation slides (primarily screen shots, icons &
graphs, some text)
Contextual Design (Karen Holtzblatt & Hugh Beyer, InContext
120 pp. Presentation slides (text and diagrams, including
tutorial exercises), articles ("Representing Work for the
Purpose of Design", "Where do the Objects Come From"),
Managing the Design of the User Interface (Dr. Deborah J. Mayhew,
Mayhew & Associates)
98 pp. Presentation slides (primarily text), references
Cognitive Factors in Design (Tom Hewett, Drexel University)
123 pp. Book format (text and diagrams), references, reading
Usage-Centered Design and Essential Modeling (Larry Constantine &
Lucy Lockwood, Constantine & Lockwood)
70 pp. Presentation slides (text and illustrations), articles
("Collaborative Usability Inspections for Software," "Measuring
the Quality of User Interface Designs," "Persistent Usability: A
Multiphasic User Interface Architecture for Supporting the Full
Usage Life Cycle"), reading list
Goal-Directed Design (Alan Cooper, Cooper Software)
38 pp. Presentation slides (text and illustrations), design
Designing Visual Interfaces (Kevin Mullet, Macromedia)
149 pp. Presentation slides (text, illustrations, and screen
shots with accompanying notes)
Complete sets: $175.00. (US Dollars)
(Single notes only being sold to conference attendees at the event.)
To guarantee your order, we must receive it by Sunday, September 29.
After that date, we may not be able to fulfill your order.
You can order by Email, Fax (508-975-5353) or Phone (508-975-4343).
Order Form: (Send to notes -at- uie -dot- com)
(All amounts in US Currency only.)
Complete Sets Quantity: _____ x $175.00 = Total: $__________
Sales Tax (Mass. Only): Add $8.75 per set: $__________
Postage & Handling: $__________
US Parcel: Add $6.00
US 2nd Day: Add $15.00
US Next Day: Add $21.00
Canada First Class: Add $16.00
Canada Next Day: Add $58.00
International First Class: Add $42.00
Payment Information:
___ Check enclosed (Payable to User Interface Engineering)
___ Purchase Order # _________ (PO must be faxed with order)
___ Mastercard
___ Visa
___ American Express
___ Discover
All orders will be shipped by October 11th.
Jared M. Spool User Interface Engineering
jspool -at- uie -dot- com 800 Turnpike Street, Suite 101
(508) 975-4343 North Andover, MA 01845
fax: (508) 975-5353 USA
Check out User Interface '96: