Re: Re[2]: documentation on the WWW

Subject: Re: Re[2]: documentation on the WWW
From: "I started out with nothing. I still have most of it left." <sharona -at- INTRANET -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 16:21:09 EDT

>A question for those of you whose product doc is on the web...How do you deal
>with security issues? The R&D guys here are talking about distributing software
>and doc through a limited access web site, and I'm not sure that's doable...

The way I understand it, security is the biggest reason to use PDF files
on the Web as opposed to HTML. We are busy weighing the pros and cons
of this at IntraNet (yes, that's really our name) right now. But with
PDF files, you have to supply a viewer and it takes forever to download
the darned stuff.

I'm no programmer, but I have heard that it is possible to place HTML
inside a Java applet and thereby make the HTML-encoded material secure.
Is this true? Does anyone on this list know this for a fact? I have
asked a number of folks over the past few weeks and have been unable
to get a definitive answer.

Sharona Nelson
sharona -at- intranet -dot- com

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