Sins of the Slash Revisited

Subject: Sins of the Slash Revisited
From: Edward Savitz <sg94cshj -at- DUNX1 -dot- OCS -dot- DREXEL -dot- EDU>
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 1996 02:21:22 GMT

Sins of the slash.
A sincere question I have for technical writers, and
other professional is:

Does it matter if we are a techies who
write(Technician/Writer) or a writer with a specialty in technical areas

I ask because I am
a teacher who write technically in the course of teaching,
a consultant who teaches in the course of consulting and
a writer whose subjects are the art of teaching computer
programming and the art of teaching medicine and terminology to allied
health students allied health professionals.

That last sentence simply means that I, like many in information fields,
do a little of several things.

Identity is important to all of us. It is the fuel of our actions.
However, I see, or hope to see, a trend away from superspecialization to
the "Holistic Human", formally called the "Renaissance person." Since
adaptation is the key to survival (biologically as well as
professionally), lets quibble less over titles in our discoveries about
ourselves and our professions.
Another very precise writer once asked in his play, "What's in a name?"
This original message was apparently seen by _some_ and not by others?
Can't explain it, but if u only saw my sig file at first, here's the point!
_______________________________________________________________ Ed ____

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