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Subject:Re[2]: Another "TWs get no respect" story From:ROBERT SIDMAN <ROBERT_SIDMAN -at- FMSO -dot- NAVY -dot- MIL> Date:Tue, 8 Oct 1996 09:58:47 -0400
bethb -at- mcsdallas -dot- com (Beth Baxter) wrote:
>I can't help feeling that the changing of the margins thing is a Bad (with a
>capital B) idea.
>I can't think of any specific reasons, it's just gut instinct. However, if
>anyone has any reasons I can give my boss why I shouldn't change the margins,
>I would be most grateful, and will send many positive vibrations your way.
If you made the mistake, then you should take the blame. However, the mistake is
the printer's -- they should take the blame and redo the covers at their expense
and, if there's a delay in getting the manuals out that costs your company
money, then your company should pursue the printer for damages.
You are above the fray; your manager, who appears brain dead or close to it,
does not recognize it. So step on his head and go up one level to his manager
and state your case.
Redoing the margins is not the answer now or later.