still no joy on illegal filename

Subject: still no joy on illegal filename
From: Mark I Halpern <Mark_Halpern -at- SMTPGATE -dot- TESSERACT -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 11:34:27 PST


I think I've now tried every trick that's been suggested to me for
getting rid of the illegal name: dropping into DOS and using wildcard
characters to grab the bad filename (it's actually a subdirectory
name, but I don't think that matters) so that it can be deleted or
renamed; using the MOVE command to move it elsewhere, renaming it as a
byproduct; running CHKDSK \F; defragging the drive it resides on.
Nothing works. Since sweet reason has failed, I'm now turning to
violence -- i.e., reacquainting myself with DEBUG, so that I can blast
my way in and corner the monster in its lair.

If you don't hear from me again, you'll know he deleted me before I
could delete him.


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