Re: Intranet Definition

Subject: Re: Intranet Definition
From: Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- COM
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 15:41:00 -0600

Is intranet just a new word for WAN?

No. The meanings of LAN and WAN are derived from the hardware, from the
actual network topology; the meaning of intranet is derived from function,
from the logical block, rather than the physical blocks.

What part of this do you call an intranet?

The campus network. The intercampus network, providing they all are part of
the same university.

An intranet can be a LAN. An intranet can be a WAN. There's no linkage
between LAN/WAN and intranet. An intranet is simply a collection of
computers that communicate with each other, typically but not necessarily
using the TCP/IP protocol, within a specific logical entity such as a
campus, a corporation, or even a department within a corporation. The most
common entities spoken of in this context are corporations (in your case,
the university would be an equivalent entity).

Have fun,
arlen -dot- p -dot- walker -at- jci -dot- com
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