Re: Relevance of Java to TWers?

Subject: Re: Relevance of Java to TWers?
From: Marjan Bace <maba -at- MANNING -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 14:29:00 -0500

At 10:15 AM 10/24/96, Chuck Beck wrote:
>Esteemed colleagues:

>In preparing to do a presentation at an upcoming STC regional conference, I
>am grappling with the question of how Java is likely to impact on our lives
>and careers as technical communicators.

>This presentation will be a basic overview of what Java and JavaScript are,
>give some current examples of how they are being used on the WWW, and throw
>out some thoughts about how this new techology will likely affect us,
>specifically, as technical communicators.

>I have some ideas of my own, but it occurred to me that this presentation
>would be even more effective if I could offer insights others may be able to
>offer. I would appreciate any thoughts any of you would care to share with
>me (especially if you have any personal experience with Java or JavaScript),
>and I will be more than happy to give public credit where credit is due, if
>I use your input as part of the presentation.

We published a book recently called Making Sense of Java that is a high
level view and may be of use to you. It can even be downloaded
electronically. The ToC and some chapters, index, etc. can be found by
starting with


Marjan Bace, Ph.D., Publisher and Partner
Manning Publications Co., 3 Lewis Street, Greenwich, CT 06830
203 629 2028, fax 203 661 9018,

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