Re: 32 bit Online Help Authoring Systems for Users with 16 bit

Subject: Re: 32 bit Online Help Authoring Systems for Users with 16 bit
From: Jane Easley <JEasley -at- EAST -dot- DIALOG -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 11:43:00 E

I just did some research on this tool because I'm about to start a
project using it. From what I gather, you can use Winhelp Office 4
(specifically Robohelp 4) to develop online help that will work both on
32-bit and 16-bit platforms. Also, the sutie includes a tool called the
WinHelp HyperViewer which gives Windows 3.1 help systems the look and
feel of Windows 95 help.

I haven't actually seen this work yet, but I will have a copy of the
software by the end of the week. I'll let you (and everyone else) know
how it actually works. (I may not get to it until after Thanksgiving.
We're having a houseful here!)

Jane (in Philadelphia)
jeasley -at- apollo -dot- east -dot- dialog -dot- com

Can we use WinHelp Office Suite/RoboHELP 4 with its 32 bit, (Windows
95 or Windows NT platform)--to author/design/develop for users with
bit on 3.1 platform?

What would you advise us? Your response will be greatly


Bill Warner, Ph.D.
Senior Technical Writer
ReliaStar Financial
Minneapolis, Minnesota
bwarner -at- reliastar -dot- com

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