Funky (bad) bullets from RoboHelp 95!

Subject: Funky (bad) bullets from RoboHelp 95!
From: Robert Barlow-Busch <robert -at- ZONE4 -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:44:41 -0500

I'm hoping someone else on the list has encountered this; Blue Sky Software
has no idea what to do. "It shouldn't happen!", tech support bashfully told

I'm creating a Windows help file for use in a 3.1 environment. I'm
authoring in Windows 95, using RoboHelp 95. The problem: when I run the
help file on 3.1, all my bullets are tiny little lower-case "n"s. This
doesn't happen when I run the file on a Windows 95 machine.

Blue Sky has no idea what's causing it. From what we can both tell, all my
software is configured properly. It seems to me that the problem is with
the character sets used by 3.1 and 95.

Before I seriously tackle this problem by experimenting with my bullets, I
figured I'd see if anyone else has encountered it.

Thanks for any hints!


Robert Barlow-Busch Some unwritten rules: 1.
Zone 4 Information Design 2.
robert -at- zone4 -dot- com 3.

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