NT Web Servers/Intranets

Subject: NT Web Servers/Intranets
From: wburns -at- MICRON -dot- COM
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 07:07:12 MST

Second try on this message--

Hey, folks, I have a question concerning web servers (NT servers
specifically) and intranets.

We're delivering all of our documentation via our company's intranet.
The portion of the system that we use incorporates three separate NT
web servers and a Saros document database. Over the last few weeks
we've had a few difficulties arising from dramatically increased usage.

One of the problems we're encountering has to do with how the NT servers
respond when people call a document and then click the Stop button on their
browser. If users click Stop at the moment the server is trying to send the data
to them, their browser goes into graybar land for a few minutes, and the server
craps out (sorry I can't be more specific). Has anyone else dealt with this

Also, the server administrators often don't know what's happening with the
servers unless some calls to complain about poor access. Is there an application
that can monitor cpu and server performance and indicate when a server starts to
lock up?


Bill Burns
Assembly Documentation Supervisor
wburns -at- micron -dot- com
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