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Subject:Re: transfer media From:Matt Ion <soundy -at- NEXTLEVEL -dot- COM> Date:Sun, 5 Jan 1997 14:40:48 -0800
On Sat, 4 Jan 1997 16:27:34 UT, Kelly Kremin wrote:
>I need an external drive, I guess, to get the graphic files and the manual
>files I am creating back and forth.
I use an iomega Zip drive for just such purposes. The parallel port
version can be hooked to almost any machine with a printer port, the
"Guest" utility installed in less than a minute, and the drive used
immediately, no need to reboot. The disks are 100MB capacity; they run
around $200 for the drive and $15-$20 each for the disks.
>Do I also need a software application, some sort of compressing utility?
Nope. The drive appears on your system as a removable disk, like a
floppy. You can copy and save to, read and open files from the drive
just like you would any other.
Your friend and mine,
<insert standard disclaimer here>
To seek the sacred river Alph
To walk the caves of ice
To break my fast on honeydew
And drink the milk of Paradise...
- Rush, "Xanadu"
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