Re: Web pages and the power str

Subject: Re: Web pages and the power str
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 15:31:00 NZD

well-i was going to write some about web page turf wars (land and ice for
us) but then realized that my situation was going to be very similar so i
will await others comments to gather some ideas.

we are in the process of going from dos (yuck-i refused to work in it) to
web. what an uphill battle this has been; but now folks are joining the
bandwagon and we are about to start the avalance to html. thankfully.

so perhaps i'll entertain you with the more arcane applications we see
for web-based information here on the ice:

---a primary application would be for a crevasse database with a
web-based front end. now this sounds silly, but if you look around town,
on the hills surrounding, there are crosses to the folks who have died on
the ice and there are some crevasses that you could drive a jet down into
and never see it again. for those who do traverses to our remote
communications facilities and for science parties, it would be nice to
know of these crevasses, slots, and other death traps from year to year.

----operations and maintenance information. it's a small town (we call it
a dirty mining camp) down here so it has all the stuff like plowing and
power plant facilities and bars and athletic facilities and chapel and
bowling alley. one of my favorite procedures is when a big c-130 plane
carrying cargo lands and for some reason like weather or mechanical
issues can't make a full stop so the plane lands and taxis. they keep
going slowly, open the back cargo doors, and drift the cargo pallets off
the plane while it is moving. looks like a moving birth sort of. it's
nice to have procedures for these things. moving cargo out the back of a
moving plane-hmm, it's a harsh continent.

----what science is going on. oddly enough, the worker bees don't know
what science is going on down here unless you bump into a beaker
(grantee) or read this really ugly boring book about the science
projects. of course it has a limited printing.

----policies and procedures manuals. it would be nice to easily access
the regs and the why and how of them.

----mass casualty procedures. we practice this drill on monday (i
volunteered as a victim). it is very critical to the safety of people
here and the community takes it seriously. we have to account for all
people on station (around 1,020) within 45 minutes. if we do have a mass
casualty like major fire or explosion, we have very limited medical
facilities for a mass of people and are often 3-5 days away from medical
care in new zealand. so it would be nice to have everyone know the steps
they have to follow and how to help and how to stay out of the way.

---safety information and lecture material. we have a safety training
meeting every week on a different topic. you have to learn where your
extinguishers are and how to use them. information on frostbite and
temperature would be helpful.

well, that's about it.
hope i didn't bore you.
laura praderio
mcmurdo station, antarctica
praderla -dot- mcmurdo -at- mcmurdo -dot- gov

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