Distilled wisdom: OS2 screen captures...

Subject: Distilled wisdom: OS2 screen captures...
From: Bill Downing <bdowning -at- CTHULHU -dot- CONTROL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 17:41:01 -0500

The following is a compilation of suggestions for OS2 screen capture
software. Thanks to all who responded to my initial posting...


I have used Snap PRO3 successfully with my work, and I like it. Have you
tried it?

Mr. Milind Bhat
milindbhat -at- juno -dot- com
(612) 635-9378
2425 County Road C2 West, #304
Roseville, MN 55113 USA


When I was working on a project with IBM, we had to snap OS/2 screens.
Being used to the Windows method for screen snaps, I was more than happy
to discover PMCAMERA. It's a standalone product whose interface is
basically self-explanatory. I am not sure if it is shareware, freeware, or
licensed software (it's been a while since I last used it). If you are
unable to find it elsewhere, I can send you a zipped copy of it.

Good luck,

Paul Branchaud (paul -at- vedge -dot- com) "What kind of Mickey Mouse outfit
Technical Writer names their team `The Ducks'?"
Visual Edge Software, Ltd. Bugs Bunny to Daffy Duck in Space Jam
**The Surgeon General has determined that the above-stated opinions
are loopy and should not be inhaled or otherwise taken to be fact**

We use PMCAP (PM Screen Capture) version 1.55. I believe PMCam (PM
Camera) is the same, but newer product. Stacey

Hi Bill,

I use Collage, a relative inexpensive program. It captures the active
window or the entire desktop. It creates BPMs and TIFs. Search for it
on the web. I believe they have a trial version you can download.

steve -dot- evanina -at- sciatl -dot- com

There is no such built-in function (well, not as such: you can create a
printer object, set it to print-to-file, and set it as the default
printer, and hitting PrintScreen will dump to it) but there are plenty
of add-ons and utilities to let you do it. Shareware and freeware
graphics apps such as PMView (my personal favorite), PMJPEG, JView, PM
Camera, and others, not only have a full-screen capture function, but
can also capture a selected window, the contents of a window, or a
selected area of the screen (PMView provides a nice screen-wide
crosshair for doing this), as well as time-delay captures. There's
also a commercial product called PrntScrn that will let you capture the
same way as in Windows (Alt-PrntScrn).

Most of these can be found at all the standard OS/2 shareware sites;
the most common is hobbes.nmsu.edu; look in the directory

Your friend and mine,
<insert standard disclaimer here>

I have used two programs for capturing OS/2 Warp screens: PrintScreen =
and PM Camera. PrintScreen is a commercial product and I do not know =
the name of the company. PM Camera is an IBM product that was freeware =
when I used it. PM Camera proved to be simple and easy to use. I used =
it to produce screen captures for software user manuals. It worked as =
well as HiJaak Pro.

Sorry, but I can't tell you where to download either of these.

Ben Johnson
Technical Writer II
JDEdwards World Source Company
Denver, CO


I'm not aware of any OS/2 screen capture programs per se, though I'm sure
there are some available. I might suggest a couple of options:

1. Try searching Ziff-Davis' shareware web site. Go to
http://www5.zdnet.com, then select software from their home page. Their
shareware page has a search function.

2. Try searching in http://www.shareware.com

Good luck.

Greg Drew
Warp runs most Win3.x programs. I use Screen Thief [shareware]
sometimes. You could have several programs running at once so
start Screen Thief (which will start up a Windoze session), then switch
to the app you want a pix of, get it ready for the screen capture, then
hit the keystroke combo or whatever to capture the screen. You'll find
that OS/2 works a whole lot like Windoze (much better, of course) so if
you know Win you will soon be able to navigate in OS/2.

I have used two programs to do screen captures in OS/2 Warp: =
PrintScreen, a commercial product ( I forget the company's name) and PM =
Camera, an IBM shareware product. PM Camera takes up very little disk =
space and is very easy to use.

Unfortunately, I do not know where you can download PM Camera.

Hope this helps,

Ben Johnson
Technical Writer II
JDEdwards World Source Company
Denver, CO

Bill Downing, President Permanently at: bdowning -at- control -dot- com
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