
Subject: File->Open
From: geoff-h -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 12:16:27 -0500

I can't imagine anyone having difficulty understanding
File->Open, but it nonetheless happens, and I've been
computing for too long to be a typical reader. So, putting
on my information design hat, let's think visually for a
moment and see if there's another way. Got it... how about
a diagram of the open menu, with the appropriate sequence
of actions highlighted? For a single-step command, there'd
be a graphic of the File menu with the Open command
highlighted; for a multi-step command (e.g., with cascading
menus), you'd add to this the second menu in the hierarchy,
with the next command highlighted, and so on for
third-level menus.

There's lots to play with and resolve if you adopt this
approach (e.g., how to handle really long menus, how to
pair the accompanying text with the graphic, etc.), but it
gives you an interesting alternative to experiment with. It
also seems more universally effective, since anyone who
understands how to use menus can see at a glance where to
go to find the command, and the path followed to implement
the command.

--Geoff Hart @8^{)} geoff-h -at- mtl -dot- feric -dot- ca
Disclaimer: Speaking for myself, not FERIC.

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