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From: Heather Achtziger <hachtziger -at- ROCKTENN -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 09:08:47 -0400

Mike Dannenberg wrote:
To adapt the old feminist adage, techwriters who want to earn as much as
programmers, lack ambition. I too work at a company where anybody who
doesn't write code has to justify their existence and is often regarded
as some kind of useless adjunct. However, this is a small company, where
the heads of development are very much involved in the marketing effort.
Because of that they are aware that decent documentation is absolutely
essential if you want to sell software. Programmers grow on trees these
days, but a good techwriter is pretty hard to come by, so by the law of
supply and demand, that drives the price up. I think that in today's
economic situation techwriters have no reason whatsoever for selling
themselves too cheap.
Mike (off on holiday in about three hours WHEW!!)
Mike Dannenberg
midannen -at- si -dot- bosch -dot- de

Bravo! That's exactly the kind of thing we all need to keep hearing and
keep reminding ourselves. And it's no longer such an uphill battle now
that people recognize (now that our profession has demonstrated) what good
writing really is. It's no longer the case that if you knew some big,
techy words, you were a good writer!! Anyway, thanks again for that!

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