Frame/On-line Help Update

Subject: Frame/On-line Help Update
From: "Marie C. Paretti" <mparetti -at- RRINC -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 14:48:11 -0400

Given that the number of requests I've gotten for a summary are running
about equal to the number of responses I've gotten on the relationship
between Frame and on-line help products (I've got a dozen or so and I only
sent out the e-mail an hour ago!), it looks like this topic concerns a
number of people and should perhaps be a public discussion, so feel free to
post to the list (though I'll still summarize anything that comes to me
privately). (Eric, feel free to stop me if I'm wrong here.)


Marie C. Paretti
Department of English Recognition Research, Inc.
University of Wisconsin - Madison Blacksburg, Virginia
mparetti -at- facstaff -dot- wisc -dot- edu mparetti -at- rrinc -dot- com

Sometimes I feel like a dog
standin' on a tool box
in the back of a pickup truck
doin' 90 round a corner
just tryin' to hang on for dear life.
James Bonamy

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