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Subject:Help: HTML Form printing... From:Bill Bledsoe <bill -dot- bledsoe -at- CMS-STL -dot- COM> Date:Tue, 2 Sep 1997 16:25:47 -0500
Okay... so I've question here... and please... I do not want to turn
this into a debate about the merits of printing HTML documents.... I've
come up with an anomoly that I don't understand... so I'm looking for an
answer or specific situation that is similar to this...
A developer in our shop has built a simple HTML form. He has check box
and text box input types on it. Now... the SOLE purpose of this form is
for someone to fill-in the appropriate information, check the boxes
he/she needs, and print the document with all of the inputed
information.. That's it. He doesn't want to email it to anyone, he
doesn't want "push it" or "pull it" anywhere... just wants to print
what he's entered.
Now... here's the problem: From my Windows Machine, running Netscape
Communicator, I can fill in data, and print the form. However, from our
UNIX workstations, when we input the same text, check the same boxes...
and... poof! no data in the form, and no checks in the boxes (heck, we
don't even SEE the check boxes on the output!!).
My question to the group? Splain this one to me... why is it different
on the Windows box? Is it because the Windows Print Engine is handling
the printing duties, and it allows for form data to print? Is it a
Communicator bug?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated...
Bill Bledsoe
Senior Technical Writer - CMS
Bill -dot- Bledsoe -at- cms-stl -dot- com or intlidox -at- anet-stl -dot- com
Prediction 4
"The people who are studying Tai Chi Chuan instead
of saving money are planning to beat us up and take
our stuff when we've retired"
Scott Adams - The Dilbert Future
If Bill Said it, Bill said it... Not CMS. Got it?
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