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Subject:[Summary] Word 97 and quirky graphics From:Scott Cover <COVER_SCOTT_L -at- CAT -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 10 Sep 1997 08:29:25 -0500
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay, but I have been trying to figure out the problem.
Here are the different answers I recieved, several people suggested
the same solution.
Word can make graphics ugly in printing unless you use WMF files for
your graphics. This works well for monochrome graphics, but is not so
good for color graphics.
Switching to a different software program (big surprise), such as
Ventura Publisher evidently clears the problem up even if you use
several different types of graphic format in one publication.
A couple other people reccomend checking the size of the graphics to
make sure no distortion occurs from having the Height vs. Width not
being linked.
I tried a couple of these solutions and I came up with the same thing
several other people who wrote did, no solution since I can't switch
from Word 97. What I'll be doing instead is letting a co-worker print
the documents from their machine. No quirky graphics if they do it,
just me and a few other machines...sometimes.
Thanks to everyone for the advice and help.
Scott Cover
Technical Writer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Cover [SMTP:COVER_SCOTT_L -at- CAT -dot- COM] > Sent: Tuesday,
September 02, 1997 1:12 PM
> To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTSERV -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU
> Subject: Word 97 and quirky graphics >
> Hello everyone,
> Let me ask for help on yet another bizarre problem I'm having >
> Word.
> I am making a users guide with screen captures as graphics. In
> trying
> not to use the memory eating .bmp format, I tried other formats
> and
> came across a very annoying problem. Sometimes the graphics >
> just fine and are nice and clear. Other graphics come out >
> like the resolution or dithering or something is messed up even
> though
> they are the same format. (looks like I spilled salt and pepper
> on the
> picture)
> If a graphic prints nice once, it always prints nice and if it
> prints
> bad once it always prints bad. I tried placing graphics using
> .gif,
> .jpeg, .tiff, .pict, and even .bmp formats , but each screen
grab > seems random on whether it will print badly or not.
> Now for the odd part, (odder part?) I can look at the graphic
at > whatever resolution on my machine in Word, Paint or Imager
and it > looks just fine. Only when I print does it look odd so
it is
> pretty
> time consuming to check the graphics. Two of my co-workers can
> print
> the exact same page and the graphic prints fine. My machines >
> are exactly the same as theirs, I don't have any prgrams that >
> resolution running concurrantly with Word and I reboot every >
> Any ideas on how to solve this problem or is my machine just >
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