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For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
I don't think the problem with anti-intellectualism in the workplace is because
of liberal arts. It seems to me that it's a problem with academia in general.
I've noticed that the academics and former academics who post both to this list
and to me seem to be paid by the word. They ramble on forever. It doesn't look
like they can write concisely. Would I hire one of them? No way! I can see
their poor users now -- they'd nod off during procedures, trying to get through
all the verbiage!
And then there's the huge chip that many academics seem to carry on their
shoulders, which I would think would cause them neck and back pain after a
while. Would I hire somebody who whines and fusses about how unfair the
business world is? For crying out loud, no! We don't need any more moaning --
we want somebody with a cheerful, can-do attitude and the experience to back it
So maybe that's what the problem is -- not that there's a bias against liberal
arts majors, poets, published authors, etc., but that there's a bias against
people whose writing style seems unsuited to the task at hand and also against
whiners. Whaddya think, guys? (Don't worry, I have my asbestos underwear on.
<scratch, scratch>)
Sue Gallagher <sgallagher -at- EXPERSOFT -dot- COM> wrote:
> Just my... Heck, I guess I should just keep a roll of pennies on
my desk, huh??? ;-)
Wait a minute. You mean we're supposed to get actual pennies for
everybody's two cents' worth? Heck, with all the postings on this list,
we're all going to get rich!
Melissa Hunter-Kilmer (B.A., Oberlin College, Greek and religion)
mhunterk -at- bna -dot- com
(standard disclaimer)
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