PC TECH question: floppy net obsolete?

Subject: PC TECH question: floppy net obsolete?
From: John -dot- Cornellier -at- PARIS -dot- IE -dot- PHILIPS -dot- COM
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 15:30:51 +0200

Q: Anybody using ZIP drives, portable hard drives, streamers and such things?

Background: I must move 10s of MBs of files, most of which are too big to fit on
a single floppy, between home and work. Peer to peer on the PSTN is an option
but not terribly practical at 8MB per hour. Ditto internet email.

I try to use PKZIP with spanning, but more often than not it fails on one of the
floppies, with no recovery option. Scandisk finds no physical errors. Is it me,
or is there a better software for multifloppy archiving?

A portable HD could have three uses: portability, archiving, and backup. A
second internal HD could do the latter two.

It's 32-bit Windows environment.

I'd be grateful to hear about any of your experiences.

John -dot- Cornellier -at- paris -dot- ie -dot- philips -dot- com

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