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troy_goodson -at- INAME -dot- COM wrote:
> My apologies if this has been pointed out before, but I've noticed
> a little bug in FrameMaker's interpretation of Word documents. Since
> this may be of interest to Word users who cooperate with users of
> other word processors, I've cross-posted.
> I'm using FrameMaker+SGML v5.1.1 on a Mac. The documents that I've seen
> this problem with were created with MS Word v6.0.1 on a Mac.
> Word v6 allows the user to make 'Fast Saves'; in fact, I think it's
> the default. Anyway, when you open a fast-saved MS Word document with
> FrameMaker, it only shows you the first edit or version of the file. Any
> editing that has been done to file since the first fast-save is simply
> ignored by FrameMaker.
As several others have pointed out, Fast Save does tend to mangle files
a bit. They're still readable to Word, but other apps often have trouble
with them. But ... there is an easy solution. You can leave Fast Save
on, and simply do a Save As (choosing a different file name) to create a
clean copy of the file (i.e., one without the effects of the Fast Save).
Hope this info helps.
-- David Knopf
David Knopf Tel: 415-731-8398 david -at- knopf -dot- com
Knopf Online Fax: 415-731-8399
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