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Subject:Re: Language use and hypersensitivity From:bcsmit - Bill Smith <bcsmit -at- ACXIOM -dot- COM> Date:Thu, 18 Sep 1997 15:48:35 -0500
This discussion has me wondering what S. I. Hayakawa would be thinking/
saying/writing were he still among us to witness. As a staunch defender
of using the right word--not the politically correct word, Hayakawa
remains one of my heroes. If there ever was an individual who might have
had a politically-correct axe to grind, it could have been Sam. Instead,
he chose to channel his energy toward clarifying and preserving the
wonderful heritage, color, and strength that distinguishes our English
language. (Is it safe to say "English?")
All of those who advocate gutting the language to satisfy some fad,
would do well to revisit Hayakawa's books. Two that I'll recommend are
Language in Thought and Action, and Use and Misuse of Language.
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