TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
I am in the process of making a case to my software company to create a
full-time department for Documentation/Tech Writing.
They are agreeable to this, since we currently pay a number of consultants to
do the work, and see the benefits of bringing these people in full-time. I
just need to define the structure of the department.
In defining the roles and responsibilities, I have individuals with a variety
of skills (writing, project management, online help, etc.) who have spent
varying degrees of time in the industry and with the company. While "time"
is not necessarily a mitigating factor in determining
competence/promotion/etc., it is still a factor.
I am looking for information to help with my presentation. Specifically:
1. What kind of titles/roles best work in creating a unit?
Should there be Documentation Specialists, Tech Writers, Documentation
Project Managers, Online Information Analysts? I don't want to create
specialization, but recognition of certain abilities is important. What
2. What about seniority or strengths?
What about moves upward? Doc Person - Senior Doc Person - Doc Projects
Coordinator? Where can I read guidelines on employee motivational goals and
the steps necessary to reach them? Is it years+experience+success? Everyone
needs recognition and something to strive for.
If anyone out there has practical experience or can suggest some literature
concerning setting up such a department, I would be extremely grateful.
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