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Many thanks to everyone who responded to my request for help getting
started with Frame. A number of people agreed that the new manual is not
overly helpful, which reassured me greatly!
Several folks asked for a summary, so here's the gist of the comments:
1. Sign up for the Framers list (did it: listserver address is
majordomo -at- listserv2 -dot- direct -dot- net if your interested -- msg should be
"subscribe framers")
2. Check out the Framers reference site ( -- very helpful
3. The only book that came up with any regularity was the Tom Neuburger's
"Mastering FrameMaker 5," published by Sybex, ISBN # 9 780782 11727
4. Check out the tutorial (not the tour) -- which I've done and discovered
that it's a heck of a lot better than the manual for a general intro. Of
course, it took me a while to find the dang thing, since there were no
directions for getting to it and its in an obscure file called PDF Steps in
the tutorial folder. But now that I've found it, it is helpful.
Other suggestions include getting the FrameMaker training manuals from
Adobe (which are apparently much better than the current manual), and
looking at the Frame 5 manual (which is also much better than the current
I also got lots of supportive reassurance that once I do manage to master
this frog, it will turn into a prince and I will fall in love with it and
live happily ever after. I love it when fairytales come true.
Muchas Gracias, Merci Beau Coups, and all that stuff,
Marie C. Paretti
Department of English Recognition Research, Inc.
University of Wisconsin - Madison Blacksburg, Virginia
mparetti -at- facstaff -dot- wisc -dot- edu mparetti -at- rrinc -dot- com
Sometimes I feel like a dog
standin' on a tool box
in the back of a pickup truck
doin' 90 round a corner
just tryin' to hang on for dear life.
James Bonamy
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