Re: Word Basic Help

Subject: Re: Word Basic Help
From: Beth Friedman <bjf -at- WAVEFRONT -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 08:23:48 -0500

In our previous episode, Graham Tillotson said:
> What is the command in Word Basic to select "Yes" or "No" in a dialog
> box? I have a macro that reformats a table and performs a search and
> replace, and I want to automate the prompt for "Continue searching
> entire document" to defalut to "No."

Um. Let's go back a step. What you want to do in this case, rather
than tell the dialog box "yes" or "no," is to define the .Wrap
attribute in your macro correctly. If you look in the code for your
macro, you'll find the command "EditFind". If you recorded your
macro, you'll see all sorts of other attributes; most of them are
irrelevant. It sounds as if you want your ".Wrap" attribute to be
"0". The ".Wrap" attribute has three possible options.

This is from the WordBasic help files:


Controls what happens if the search begins at a point other than the
beginning of the document and the end of the document is reached (or
vice versa if .Direction is set to 1). The .Wrap argument also
controls what happens if there is a selection and the search text is
not found in the selection.

0 (zero) or omitted The search operation ends and the macro

1 If there is a selection, Word searches the remainder of the
document. If the beginning or the end of the document is reached, Word
continues the search from the opposite end.

2 If there is a selection, Word displays a message asking
whether to search the remainder of the document. If the beginning or
the end of the document is reached, Word displays a message asking
whether to continue the search from the opposite end.

Hope that helps!

Beth Friedman bjf -at- wavefront -dot- com
"What happened to the kippers left from breakfast?
Or maybe there's a bit of cold roast pheasant.
I am the king now, and I want a sandwich." -- John M. Ford

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