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Subject:Re: Evolving language, evolving profession From:Damien Braniff <Damien_Braniff -at- PAC -dot- CO -dot- UK> Date:Thu, 16 Oct 1997 09:33:13 +0100
Michael Andrew wrote:
"I've long since given up fighting battles over cliches, coined words,
and idiotic usage. It's pointless; we're overrun with semi-literates and
people who care little about formalism in language. That's OK by by me,
now. I've got no time for it anyway. Now I spend all of my time dealing"
While I agree in part I do feel that basic grammar etc is VERY important.
I know that language is evolving and new words are being continually added
but, even in a country like the UK (small) the variation in dialect,
phraseology (?) etc across the country can be quite large. It must be a
lot more so in the US. What is needed therefore is some "commonality" in
language that everyone can relate to - the "traffic signs" that help us get
from A to B in a document in the "best" way. Esperanto for Tech Writers
Damien Braniff
Technical Author
PAC International
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