New Question: Do listservs really help?

Subject: New Question: Do listservs really help?
From: Debra Tidd <tiddd -at- VANCOUVER -dot- WSU -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 15:57:03 -0700

Hi my name is Debby Tidd, and I have never been on a listserv before. I
have joined this because an English class I am taking entitled "Rhetoric
and Writing for Teachers" is requiring me to do an analysis paper on
listservs in general. What I am asking you for is a personal response
that will explain to me how the listserv works, and how it could be useful
to a future teacher like myself. Also if you could include a personal
example of how it has helped you that would be great. One more request.
If you chose to respond to this please keep the subject line as I have it
so I can find the responses on my computer eaiser.

Thank you all for your help.


Debby Tidd
Washington State University, Vancouver

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