Re: BEWARE!! RoboHelp4 problems

Subject: Re: BEWARE!! RoboHelp4 problems
From: William Meisheid <wgm -at- SAGELINE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 23:48:31 -0400


Chris Eckert at Blue Sky had the following reply to the problems you

Re: SHED and long file names.

The enhanced SHED editor in RoboHELP will not be able to look up
Context stings in your project files in you are on NT and your topic
files use long file names. This only occurs under Windows NT (not
Windows 95). You have a choice of either renaming the files in the
project to conform to
8.3 standards, or manually typing in the topic Id in the SHED dialog
(not using the Choose button). This is still a problem in the SHED
editor in RoboHELP 5.0. Blue Sky Software is working on a solution to
this problem for future versions of RoboHELP.

Re: Using Popup.OCX on a network.

If you plan on using the popup functionality (provided by the Blue Sky
Software ActiveX control, popup.ocx) when converting your WinHelp
projects to HTML Help, the popup.ocx control needs to be installed and
registered on each user's PC who will be accessing the HTML Help file.
Copy popup.ocx to the users Windows\System folder, and then type in
the following command line:

regsvr32 popup.ocx

This will register the ActiveX control on the user's system, and they
will then be able to display the popup jumps correctly.
William Meisheid "Thoughts still and always in progress"
Certified RoboHELP Training email: wgm -at- sageline -dot- com
Sageline Publishing 410.465.1548 Fax: 410.465.1812
WUGNET/Help Authoring Forum - Sysop for: Style/Concepts/Etc
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