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Question: To allow printing or to not allow printing of Acrobat files?
Question: To allow printing or to not allow printing of Acrobat files?
James Bauman <James -dot- Bauman -at- SAFETY-KLEEN -dot- COM>
Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:14:14 -0500
From: James Bauman on 10/30/97 02:14 PM
Subject: Question: To allow printing or to not allow printing of Acrobat
I welcome techwhirlers opinions on the above question. I tried to find
mention of this question in the archives, but my efforts were unsuccessful.
Our department will be putting documents online (our users for years have
consulted paper documentation), and we are concerned that most users will
print most or all of the online documents. That would defeat one big
benefit of having the documents online, of course. I'd be interested to
see what the experience has been for other tech. writers.
Jim Bauman
IS Technical Publications
Safety-Kleen Corp.
mailto:jbauman -at- safety-kleen -dot- com
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