Re: QUESTION: FrontPage vs. RoboHTML

Subject: Re: QUESTION: FrontPage vs. RoboHTML
From: Scott Miller <smiller -at- CORP -dot- PORTAL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:57:17 -0800

I use FrontPage for my Web sites, and RoboHTML for HTML-based help. Both
tools are pretty good at what they're designed to do. RoboHTML is better
suited for dealing with many documents. Plus, it has built-in HTML Help
authoring tools (contents, index, related topics) that FrontPage doesn't

I haven't created frames with RoboHTML, but a cursory walk-through
indicates that it has about the same support as FrontPage, which is to
say, somewhat aggravating. Frames are just a big pain no matter what,
except I like how Claris Home Page handles them best.

RoboHTML has some rudimentary project tracking, but no revision
tracking. Printed topics don't show the file name, although you could
get that by printing them from the browser.

Like any WYSYWIG HTML editor, RoboHTML decides how it's going to format
your HTML for you. For HTML code purists, RoboHTML is something of a
nightmare, but for me, I agree with it's choices, so it's OK. For
example, it double-spaces numbered lists. On the other hand, it's easier
to get FrontPage to cooperate with how you want your HTML formatted.

You can get a trial version of RoboHTML from

- Scott Miller
Portal Software
smiller -at- portal -dot- com

My question is this: FrontPage was designed to create websites, not
Help. From what I've heard, RoboHTML was designed to create HTML help
for a
PC environment. What experience have you had with both programs? I
need to
use frames; does RoboHTML implement those easily? Does RoboHTML have
advantages over a "typical" HTML editor like FrontPage? Does RoboHTML
any tools or functions, such as tracking revisions, that make it easier
a human editor to edit content in the files? (Right now it looks like
human editor will be working from printouts of the content files, which
isn't a bad idea except that FrontPage prints only page titles at the
top of
each page, not file names, and that makes it tricky for the writers to
back and open the right files to make corrections per her edits.)

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