Summary: Headers/Footers

Subject: Summary: Headers/Footers
From: Barb Ostapina <Barb -dot- Ostapina -at- METROMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 15:03:31 -0500

It's a small sampling, but here are the results of my query about what
people put in headers and footers:

There are variations on placement -- some people put certain things on the
left page, others on the right; some things go in the inside corner, others
on the outside -- but for the most part...

*Everybody puts the page number in the footer, in the outside corner of the
*Almost everybody puts the chapter (module) title in the header.
*Most people who include a section title put it in the header.
*A few people include a document name, but it's split on whether it goes in
the header or footer.
*A few people include a document file name, and maybe a revision number; if
so, it goes in the footer.
*There was a document part number or two, tossed in pretty much anywhere.
*And we had a couple in favor of the date in the footer.

I seem to be the only one who doesn't like headers at all.

Thanks for your thoughts, everybody. I guess the bottom line is: do what
makes sense to you.

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