Information Anxiety Questionnaire

Subject: Information Anxiety Questionnaire
From: NICHOLAS RICHARD MR <nrm -at- COVENTRY -dot- AC -dot- UK>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 14:24:21 +0000

Some of you may recall that in December I wrote enquiring about
Information Anxiety. I've not had a chance to thank those that replied to
my request so I'm doing it now. Thanks.

The thing is, I need a bit more help. To add to the researh I have
already done, I'd like to include a questionnaire - which I'm hoping should
take no more than 10 minutes to complete. 29 questions might seem long
but they are mainly 'yes' or 'no' answers. If anyone has got the time
I'd be grateful if they could 'fill' it in. Thanks.

Nick Peake - 3rd year Technical Communication, Coventry, England

1. How old are you?

2. How long have you been a technical writer?

3. Was technical communication your first career? Y/N

4. If No, what field did you previously work in? choose one:
mechanical electrical electronic computer language other(state)

5. What are your educational qualifications?


6. Do you use a computer for work? Y/N

7. If yes, for how many years?

8. How many hours a day (on average) do you use it? choose one:
a) 1-3 hours b) 4-6 hours c) 7-9 hours

9. What percentage of your work is completed on the computer?

10. Do you enjoy using a computer for work or does it bother you?

11. Please explain:


12. What is the most recent software package you have had to learn at work?

13. When did you start learning it?

14. How often do you use it?

15. What was this software like to learn? Choose one:
easy no serious problems difficult

16. How did you learn the software? Choose one:
a manual training session asked colleague other(please state)

17. Was this method adequate? Y/N

18. Did you have enough time to learn this software before you had to
comply to a deadline? Y/N


19. How do you feel when management introduces new software and
technologies? Choose one:
excited indifferent troubled

20. Do you find it easy to adapt to new technologies and software? Y/N

21. Are you consulted before any change is implemented? Choose one:
always sometimes rarely

22. Do you try to learn all the features of a new system or do just
learn enough to get by?

23. Do you try to keep upto date about new technology and software? Y/N

24. If yes, are you - choose one: excited indifferent troubled

25. Please explain


26. Have you changed, within the past 5 years, from a 'pen and paper'
style of writing to writing on a computer? If no, go to the end.

27. As a reuslt of using a computer, has your work load - choose one:
increased decreased remained the same

28. As a result of using a computer, has your productivity of work -
choose one:
increased decreased remained the same

29. As a result of using a computer, has the quality of your work -
choose one:
increased decreased remained the same

That's all folks! If you managed to get to here, may your soul rejoice in
the knowledge that you have helped save a pretty nervous Brit.

Thanks. Y'all come back now y'here!


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