Re: non-breaking hyphens and auto correct

Subject: Re: non-breaking hyphens and auto correct
From: Beth Friedman <bjf -at- WAVEFRONT -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 19:25:58 -0600

In our previous episode, Bill Swallow said:
> We want to se up Word's Auto Correct to automatically remove manual
> hyphens and replace them with non-breaking hyphens. For some reason
> this won't work. We can find and replace for it by using the ^~, but
> Auto Correct takes this special character code too seriously (you
> should try it for kicks).
> Does anyone know how to do this?

You can't do it, I believe, because AutoCorrect only kicks in when you
type a space, and a hyphen is not likely to be followed by a space.

What you can do, though it's rather extreme, is to create a macro that
inserts a non-breaking hyphen, and assign that macro to the hyphen
key. This sort of thing should be done with caution, of course;
someone once (accidentally) assigned the spelling checker to the
letter "S" and had some difficulty undoing it. If you do this, I'd
also suggest you map some little-used key (like the ` key, say) to the
hyphen, for when you really need it.

Beth Friedman bjf -at- wavefront -dot- com
"If I ran England like they run that kitchen
You'd half expect somebody to usurp it
I am the King now, and I want a sandwich.
I wonder where my brother Richard is." -- John M. Ford

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