Re: The old entry-level catch-22 - A REQUEST

Subject: Re: The old entry-level catch-22 - A REQUEST
From: Tracey Moore <traceym -at- APPLIEDMAPPING -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 10:26:36 -0400

First let me address the discrimination issue. At my last job we had a wonderful Asian (accent and all) technical editor. She was fantastic! So keep up your spirits, it can be done.

Second, you have experience. You need to flaunt it. I recently gave up the idea of performing job searches through the mail. I know others will balk at this, but I made all my first contacts via e-mail. My reasoning was that I didn't want to work for a company that didn't have the latest and greatest technologies (and I mean that with no offense, just a preference for my working conditions).

Send e-mails and attach your resume (and online help samples). If you have a web site, attach it as well. If you don't, create one. In your web site include your resume, some online help samples and some writing samples. Make it fun, interactive and VERY easy to navigate. This shows off your ability. If you don't have help and writing samples, make some up.

The web has many job opportunities. Search, search, search. Try the Online Career Center. Also check out the recruiters: Arthur Anderson, System One, Atlanta Technical Services, Ajilon. Good luck!

From: Imran Zaidi
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 1998 3:34 AM
Subject: The old entry-level catch-22 - A REQUEST


So I've been reading all these 'corporate constipation' posts, and
disillusionment has officially set in. Sure, I've heard lots of these
cubicle cries for freedom before, but to see it all at once on the techwr-l
brings it close to home. Anway...

I'm graduating from the University of Central Florida in about a month with
a BA in English w/Technical Writing etc. etc. and have begun my job search.
I would very much appreciate any input from the 'experienced' out there as
to how one can overcome the old entry-level catch-22...

"You need to have experience to get this job, but to get experience, you
need this job..."

You all know the game. I imagine if I can just get my foot in the door, I
will be able to explain that while attending school, I also went off on my
own freelancing excursions (web site development, etc.) and that I'm not
just another green "tell me what to do" type. But it's just not that easy,
is it? I have lots of love to give and no corporation to give it to...

And on top of it all, I find myself wondering how much quiet discrimination
I should be prepared to experience. Will the corporate bigwigs buy a
minority as an 'English' technical writer? I'm no fool--if I didn't believe
I have the language and technical skills to excel in this field, I would
have gone into computer science (my first love). I have a natural love of
the English language, which is why I am where I am right now. I am a techie
through and through--how do I make a company understand this when they are
ready to drop me when they realize I am just an 'entry-level' 22 year old?
I would love to go and say, "Hey, just ask my professors" but I need a more
serious solution more suited to our wonderfully conservative field.

Any suggestions?

Anyone in the Orlando area need a wonderfully skilled and resourceful
'entry-level' tech writer?

Thanks all,

Imran Zaidi
aiz -at- iag -dot- net


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