FW: Why are we excluded???

Subject: FW: Why are we excluded???
From: Cheryl Dwyer <CherylDw -at- ATTACHMATE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 07:16:26 -0700

kalpana thakar wrote on Friday, June 05, 1998 9:06 AM:
I am aware that there are lots fo jobs for technical writers all over
the US. However, I have been told that generally companies in the US do
not entertain Indians for the post of technical writers. Why is it so?
...why should companies hesitate to recruit technical writers working in

At one of my previous companies, we had several programmers from India
and Pakistan. These programmers happened to have already been in the US
and it STILL took months to get the proper paperwork done with the
government to hire them. (I believe at the time they even had to justify
to the powers-that-be that there were no US citizens in the area equally
qualified to fill the positions.)

I would venture to say that the expense of recruiting, relocating, and
lost time in getting the government paperwork for hiring them
accomplished outweighs the ease of hiring equally qualified US citizens
already in the area.

Cheryl Dwyer
Cheryl Dwyer
Attachmate Corporation
Specialty Products Division
cheryldw -at- attachmate -dot- com

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