Re: Another term for GUI

Subject: Re: Another term for GUI
From: hm chou <hchou -at- INTERACCESS -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 11:08:45 -0500

why use GUI at all? i've ben writing Windows doc for the last 5 years, and
i don't think i've ever used "GUI" or "Windows-based" in any of it. if it's
a new, Windows-based app, in contrast to what your company has developed
over the past (mainframe, DOS, whatever), the marketing material should
point out the "new, improved interface". at the most, put a marketing-type
spin in the introduction of your manual.

to me, the manual should provide instructions on how to USE the
product/navigate the interface, whether it be GUI or text-based. whether
it's Windows, Mac, or Amiga-based doesn't matter. hopefully, the users who
purchased your product know what they're getting into.

imho, GUI is not obsolete. a little off-putting for the casual user,
perhaps (what does GWEE mean? they ask), but not obsolete. the developers
and writers i've worked w/ are always spouting GUI-this and GUI-that.

Fetchez la vache!

Hsuan-min Chou
hchou -at- interaccess -dot- com

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