Re: Doc Department Blueprint

Subject: Re: Doc Department Blueprint
From: David Warren <David -dot- Warren -at- NEXTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 14:07:18 -0400

'Pends on size. Of course you need both writing and editing,
probably DTP, and potentially online help and web siteauthoring, and
technical illustration. Can one person do all these things? Yes, but
at a *very* low bandwidth.

Depending on size, you might also need to differentiate Lead from
Senior (and plain-ol') t/w's.

If all else fails, at least have an editor edit your work. So-called
"peer editing" arrangements *do not* replace the function of a real
editor; the quality of work will suffer, as the demands of writing
outweigh the "luxury" of peer editing.

There *are* one or two books on the subject of running a pubs.
department--I'm curious if anyone has read and can recommend any one
in particular.


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Doc Department Blueprint
Author: "Schweizer; Alex" <alexs -at- VISTEON -dot- COM> at INTERNET
Date: 6/9/98 12:40 PM

I'm looking for typical ways (real life scenarios) in which a
documentation department might be structured personnel-wise (that is,
writers, help developers, desktop publishers, etc). If you have any
ideas/experience of what's good, what's bad, what works, what doesn't, I
would like to hear from you. Please respond off list if this is not an
appropriate topic of discussion.

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