STC salary Survey

Subject: STC salary Survey
From: Sheila Marshall <sheila -at- STK -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 10:51:55 -0500

Hi All!

Get this in digest so my $2.00 is a little late.

Just this past year, I began to worry that I might need to leave a job I
love because I wanted to buy a house and wasn't making enough to
comfortably afford it. I had been at the company for over a year and a half
and was basically running the documentation show. When I mentioned a salary
review to my boss, I brought the STC survey with me, with all pertinent
categories highlighted. Also provided a copy of the survey to HR, who was
reassessing salaries based on the Culpepper and other surveys. HR was happy
to use the information provided.

After a month of waiting, I received an increase of over 30%. In my case,
HR told me that based on all surveys involved, I was grossly underpaid and
my value to the company was significantly higher than my current salary.
The STC survey was the icing on the cake. Very helpful.

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