Re: Become a tech writer in only 70 hours

Subject: Re: Become a tech writer in only 70 hours
From: Bob Morrisette <writer1 -at- SABU -dot- ENG -dot- SUN -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 08:42:44 -0700

I just heard a commercial on KGO in San Francisco that offers
to train you to make big money as a technical writer in 20 weeks.
They suggest that you be a college graduate and know computers.
The instructors are all working writers.
Classes are 3.5 hours, once a week. They teach FrameMaker, RoboHelp,
and HTML. You receive a "Certificate in Technical Writing."
This school is part of an agency/head hunting firm owned by a person
I know to be legitimate.

Are there other schools like this around the country? Could this become
a trend while there are so many jobs open in technical writing?
Is this a good way for someone to "get started" in tech writing?

The tuition is $3900, which includes lab time evenings and Saturday.

Bob Morrisette
writer1 -at- Eng -dot- Sun -dot- com

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