Re Humor as a communication technique

Subject: Re Humor as a communication technique
From: "Mark L. Levinson" <mark -at- MEMCO -dot- CO -dot- IL>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:54:08 +0300

At the risk of offending a few, is it worth it to make the
majority laugh?

** Most places where I've worked have a hard enough
time finding talented technical writers. Finding
talented technical writers who are also talented
humorists sounds supertough to me. You, Mr. Plato,
are a talented humorist but heaven save us from
untalented humorists.

- Mark L. Levinson - Memco Ltd. - Wallenberg 24 - 69719 Tel Aviv
- work: mark -at- memco -dot- co -dot- il / tel. +972-3-6450049 / fax +972-3-6450001
- home: nosnivel -at- netvision -dot- net -dot- il / tel. +972-9-9552411 or 9555720
Sometimes I feel like a Slinky on the escalator of life.
- Patrick Nolan

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