FWD: Working with Commercial Publisher

Subject: FWD: Working with Commercial Publisher
From: "Eric J. Ray" <ejray -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 16:25:49 -0600

Name withheld upon request. Please reply on list.


I'm considering moving to a job at another company. The opportunity's okay, except
that I'd be helping the owners with two books that they're writing for a well-known
technical publisher. A lot of what they expect me to do is editing and coordination
with the publisher. I suspect I'll be able to add a little to the technical content
of the books, too.

My question is this: in terms of career development, if you saw on someone's resume
that they'd done this stuff, would it impress you or would you not really care so


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