FWD: Unpaid? -Reply

Subject: FWD: Unpaid? -Reply
From: David Spiteri <DSPITERI -at- TUC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 12:39:27 -0500

As an online Help writer you can command up to $50-60/hr as an independent. You do the math... (Also read the other posts) The answer is Yes!

>>> "Eric J. Ray" <ejray -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM> 06/25/98 12:00pm >>>
Name withheld upon request. Please reply on list.


I have worked for my present company for about 10 months. I do not
have a technical writing degree, but I do have a college degree
(B.A.,liberal arts). I work at home and thus do not have direct
supervision (the home office is in another state). I live in
Washington Sate. I write internal end user documentation (software).
This includes using Word and FrontPage to create printed and
intranet/Web docs. I make $10 an hour. Am I underpaid?

Let me make it clear that I like my job. However, since my year
aniversery is coming up soon I want to ask for a raise. Am I justified
in doing so? Any pointers? Should I move on? At what point does
working for a good company/boss stop outweighing money?

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