Re: Question: Context Help for Java Apps

Subject: Re: Question: Context Help for Java Apps
From: Scott Miller <smiller -at- CORP -dot- PORTAL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 12:22:38 -0700

Depends on what you mean be "context-sensitive help." If you mean "open
a help topic from a Help button on a dialog box," then you can do that
in Java, provided you use a Java-based help system. However, if you mean
"What's This Help," then you might be out of luck with a Java-based help
system, until the real JavaHelp comes along. It's probably possible if
you throw enough code at it, but there is no Java help system to rely
on, yet.

However, it sounds like you're using WinHelp to create help for a Java
application. In that case, I would believe the programmer, as Java
doesn't really like to deal with native code at all, especially at the
granularity of context-sensitive help.

- Scott Miller
smiller -at- portal -dot- com
> We are developing an application in Java. We're using WinHelp to
> create
> online help, but the programmer tells me that context-sensitive help
> is
> not possible because of the limitations of Java. Is this true?
> Something
> about that just doesn't sound right.
> Anyone out there developing applications and online help in Java?

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