Re: JavaScript and tech writers

Subject: Re: JavaScript and tech writers
From: Barry Campbell <barry -at- WEBVERANDA -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 16:49:29 -0400

At 01:17 PM 7/21/98 -0700, Elizabeth Kane wrote:

> We have a new engineering dept. head who has said he'd like me to
> learn JavaScript because we're going to be doing some Java-based
> stuff, and a lot of Web/browser-based html stuff in general. I said
> "Sounds great!" but I really know NOTHING about it.
> Have any of you tech writers learned something about JavaScript? Can
> you tell me what it is, and how it differs from, say, RoboHTML or MS
> FrontPage? Have you taken a class in it? Is it fun to work with? And
> anything else you'd like to throw in.


JavaScript is a scripting (programming) language that can be used to
extend the capabilities of HTML documents on the Web. (Q: How does it
differ from FrontPage and RoboHTML? A: FrontPage and RoboHTML are
development tools that help you write documents in markup languages;
JavaScript is an actual programming language that lives inside HTML
documents and runs inside a web browser.)

There are two kinds of JavaScript: client-side and server-side. Since
client-side JavaScript is what 99% of the people in the world mean
when they say "JavaScript," client-side is what I'm going to describe
to you.

Here are some interesting things you can do with JavaScript:

-- Control the appearance and content of HTML documents

-- Control certain aspects of browser behavior (open up new windows or
dialog boxes, for instance)

-- Create interactive effects, like rollover buttons (you've seen these
on the Web--you roll the mouse over a link and it flashes or changes

-- Validate data entered into forms

-- Perform mathematical operations.

You can write JavaScript as a chunk of code which is inserted into
your web page between <SCRIPT> tags; you can also write snippets
of JavaScript which attach to individual HTML tags.

Some older browsers do not support JavaScript, but recent versions
of Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer have good JavaScript
support (with some slight, subtle differences in implementation
between the two... sigh.)

JavaScript must be carefully distinguished from Java. Aside from some
superficial similarities in syntax (say that five times fast!) Java and
JavaScript have nothing to do with each other. (JavaScript was
originally called "LiveScript" when Netscape developed it; Netscape
renamed it "JavaScript" to take advantage of all the Java marketing
hype a few years back.)

There are many good JavaScript books available, but the best information
tends to be on the Web. If you visit HotWired's "Webmonkey" site, you'll
find wonderful, accessible information about JavaScript, including some
great introductory classes, for free:

Hope this helps!

Barry Campbell | barry -at- webveranda -dot- com
Web Architect | (list/personal mail)
Summit Systems, Inc. | bcampbel -at- summithq -dot- com
22 Cortlandt Street | (business mail)
New York, NY 10007 |

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