Callouts and graphics in Word

Subject: Callouts and graphics in Word
From: Bob Johnson <bob -dot- johnson -at- CELERITYSOLUTIONS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 14:24:38 -0400

At the risk of fueling the recent flare-up of the Word versus Frame war,
I appeal to my colleagues for help with a problem in Word.

I have a project in Word that includes graphics with callouts. When I
print this beast, Word prints a blank page either after (usually) or
before (occassionally) all pages with a callout and a graphic. We spent
quite some time this morning norrowing these blank pages down to this

I have tried searching the MS website for information on this, as well
as DejaNews, and have also searched the techwr-l archives without
finding anything on this issue.

Has anyone else encountered this behavior in Word? What causes it?
What can I do about it? (Besides move to Frame; let's not stir up that
cauldron, please!)

Bob Johnson
Documentation and QA Specialist
Celerity Solutions
Dedham, MA

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