Re: And/Or

Subject: Re: And/Or
From: "Judith C. Grunberger" <jcookson -at- MCCABE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:37:02 -0400

On Fri, 25 Sep 1998, Robert Maxey wrote:

> >>Using "and/or" may be inelegant or even dorky, but I have never met
> anyone
> I have a simple question about and/or. AND implys that you must do both.
> You do This And That. OR implies that you have a choice between two
> options. You can do this OR that. How can there be an option that requires
> you to do either of two options as well as only one or the other?

"and/or" is a short way of saying "either or both."

A short note: in every programming language that I have ever used or
investigated, an OR expression evaluates to TRUE if either one *or both*
of the conditions is true.

If you want an expression to evaluate to true if *only* one of the
conditions is true, you have to use or invent an entity called an
"exclusive OR," or XOR for short.

The programming and layman interpretations of "or" are very different --
and/or is a way of expressing the programming interpretation in layman

Judith Grunberger * Technical Writer, McCabe & Associates * jcookson -at- mccabe -dot- com

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