Centralized vs. Decentralized tech writers

Subject: Centralized vs. Decentralized tech writers
From: Heather Ross <Heather -dot- Louise -dot- Ross -at- THEMUTUALGROUP -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 09:58:02 -0500

I've searched the archives on this one and not found much. I work for a
very large company. Currently, the tech writers here are scattered around.
For example, I'm the only TW working in the IS area, which has 500 people
in it and has a constant need for documentation.
The company currently brings in contractors to do a fair bit of the

The group of TWs here is currently looking at the benefits/drawbacks of
organizing ourselves into one Technical Communications department. I'd be
very interested in hearing about the experiences of you folks -- what do
you see as the pros and cons of being centralized into one department,
versus each being dedicated to one area of the company?

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