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Re: An Idea: An International Directory of Technical Terms
Subject:Re: An Idea: An International Directory of Technical Terms From:Bruce Ashley <bashley -at- CREATEPRINT -dot- COM -dot- AU> Date:Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:57:26 +1000
I've seen a German/English technical translation book out and its about 5
cm thick and covers ALL technical terms from engineering to medical and
shows from German to English and vice versa.
An engineer I knew a couple of years ago had it.
I ass-u-me there are already others on the market if you knew where to
Bruce Ashley
Bob McMartin wrote:
George Mena's idea of creating an International Directory of Technical
Terms is, after careful consideration, a very good idea with good merit.
Each country and industry has a number of different buzz words, jargon,
or terms specific to the industry. This directory could accumulate the
terms specifc to each industry, and possibly each country. Just because
we share a common language, doesn't mean we call every item the same.
While Wayne Douglass, says that Murky$loth have their own glossaries,
thats okay, but they are just glossaries not every glossary has words
that we as Tech Writers
The list could be structured in the following manner:
(specific foreign terms)
(specific foreign terms)
(specific foreigh terms)
(specific foreign terms)
This would be of benefit, not only to the Tech Writers in each industry,
but also to those writing manuals for foreign audiences.
Imagine the kudos to be gathered if the Tech Writer, not only produces
the best document for the industry, but also for a foriegn audience.
One more step to being the Tech Writer Gods.
So what say you Eric, got room on your server for a directory.